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Bill Breakdown

Here is the full 1000 page Omnibus bill broken down by AI into 10 paragraphs.

The FY2024 Federal Budget covers a wide range of government agencies, departments, and programs.

The Department of Defense (pages 1-100) receives funding for military personnel, operation and maintenance, procurement, and research and development, with allocations such as $50,041,206,000 for Army military personnel (page 5) and $58,604,854,000 for Army operation and maintenance (page 11). The budget also provides funding for the Judiciary (pages 100-200), including $129,323,000 for the Supreme Court (page 197) and $5,995,055,000 for Courts of Appeals, District Courts, and Other Judicial Services (page 198). Various independent agencies (pages 200-300) receive funding, such as $9,470,022,000 for the GSA Federal Buildings Fund (pages 229-235) and $361,235,000 for the Small Business Administration Salaries and Expenses (page 255). The Department of Homeland Security (pages 300-400) receives funding for border security, immigration enforcement, cybersecurity, and disaster response, with allocations like $18,426,870,000 for U.S. Customs and Border Protection Operations and Support (pages 347-349) and $20,261,000,000 for the FEMA Disaster Relief Fund (pages 371-375).

The Department of Health and Human Services (pages 400-600) receives funding for various agencies and programs, including $7,224,159,000 for the National Cancer Institute (pages 495-500) and $406,956,850,000 for Grants to States for Medicaid (page 509). The Department of State, foreign operations, and related programs (pages 600-900) receive allocations such as $9,413,107,000 for Diplomatic Programs (pages 675-676) and $6,133,397,000 for the Foreign Military Financing Program (page 722). The budget also includes funding for international assistance programs (pages 700-800) such as $6,045,000,000 for HIV/AIDS programs (pages 703-704) and $3,931,000,000 for Development Assistance (page 704). Additionally, the budget covers funding for various initiatives and programs (pages 800-1012) such as $1,425,000,000 for assistance to Egypt (pages 861-862), $1,800,000,000 to support the Indo-Pacific Strategy (page 885), and $451,000,000 for water supply and sanitation projects (page 962).

Pages 1-100

This file contains the Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2024, which provides funding for various military departments, personnel, and operations. The act allocates funds for military personnel, operation and maintenance, procurement, research and development, and other defense-related activities. The appropriations aim to support the U.S. military in maintaining readiness, modernizing equipment, and carrying out missions globally. The act also includes funding for specific programs, such as the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative and the Counter-ISIS Train and Equip Fund.
Bullet point list of items and their allocated amounts:

Military Personnel (pages 5-10):
Army: $50,041,206,000
Navy: $36,707,388,000
Marine Corps: $15,268,629,000
Air Force: $36,204,130,000
Space Force: $1,256,973,000
Reserve Personnel: $11,147,635,000
National Guard Personnel: $15,063,378,000
Operation and Maintenance (pages 11-25):
Army: $58,604,854,000
Navy: $71,972,007,000
Marine Corps: $10,184,529,000
Air Force: $61,471,101,000
Space Force: $4,895,818,000
Defense-Wide: $52,599,068,000
Environmental Restoration: $1,278,615,000
Procurement (pages 27-39):
Aircraft: $43,943,212,000
Missiles: $9,315,860,000
Weapons and Tracked Combat Vehicles: $4,244,226,000
Ammunition: $4,684,723,000
Shipbuilding and Conversion, Navy: $33,665,493,000
Other Procurement: $81,699,581,000
National Guard and Reserve Equipment: $1,000,000,000
Defense Production Act Purchases: $587,905,000
Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (pages 41-43):
Army: $17,115,037,000
Navy: $27,964,807,000
Air Force: $47,340,416,000
Space Force: $18,669,844,000
Defense-Wide: $36,892,886,000
Operational Test and Evaluation, Defense: $337,489,000
Other Department of Defense Programs (pages 45-47):
Defense Health Program: $39,898,624,000
Chemical Agents and Munitions Destruction: $1,091,844,000
Drug Interdiction and Counter-Drug Activities, Defense: $1,177,061,000
Office of the Inspector General: $528,565,000
Related Agencies (page 49):
Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability System Fund: $514,000,000
Intelligence Community Management Account: $625,419,000

Pages: 100-200

This file contains appropriations for the Judiciary for the fiscal year 2024. It provides funding for the Supreme Court of the United States, the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, the United States Court of International Trade, and various other courts and judicial services. The appropriations cover salaries and expenses for judges, justices, and court employees, as well as necessary expenses for court operations. The file also includes funding for specific programs, such as Defender Services, which provides legal representation for defendants in criminal cases, and Fees of Jurors and Commissioners, which covers the costs associated with jury trials and land condemnation cases.
Bullet point list of items and their allocated amounts:

  • Supreme Court of the United States (pages 197-198):
  • Salaries and Expenses: $129,323,000
  • Care of the Building and Grounds: $20,688,000
  • United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (page 198):
  • Salaries and Expenses: $36,735,000
  • United States Court of International Trade (page 198):
  • Salaries and Expenses: $21,260,000
  • Courts of Appeals, District Courts, and Other Judicial Services (pages 198-200):
  • Salaries and Expenses: $5,995,055,000
  • Up to $27,817,000 to remain available until expended for space alteration projects and related furniture and furnishings
  • Up to $9,975,000 from the Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund for processing cases under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986
  • Defender Services: $1,450,680,000
  • Fees of Jurors and Commissioners: $58,239,000

Pages: 200-300

The document appears to be a portion of a larger appropriations bill for fiscal year 2024, specifically covering appropriations for the Judiciary, District of Columbia, and various independent agencies such as the General Services Administration, Office of Personnel Management, and Small Business Administration. The excerpt also includes general provisions that apply government-wide. The bill allocates funds for a wide range of purposes, from basic agency operations to specific initiatives and construction projects.

Key allocations in this portion of the bill include:

  • Salaries and expenses for the Supreme Court: $118,945,000 (page 199)
  • Salaries and expenses for the Courts of Appeals, District Courts, and other Judicial Services: $5,820,566,000 (page 199-200)
  • Defender Services: $1,450,680,000 (page 200)
  • Fees of Jurors and Commissioners: $58,239,000 (page 200-201)
  • Court Security: $750,163,000 (page 201)
  • Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts: $102,673,000 (page 202)
  • Federal Judicial Center: $34,261,000 (page 202)
  • U.S. Sentencing Commission: $21,641,000 (page 203)
  • District of Columbia resident tuition support: $40,000,000 (page 208)
  • District of Columbia Courts: $292,068,000 (page 210)
  • GSA Federal Buildings Fund: $9,470,022,000 (page 229-235)
  • GSA Pre-Election Presidential Transition: $10,413,000 (page 238)
  • Office of Personnel Management: $219,076,000 (page 247-248)
  • Small Business Administration Salaries and Expenses: $361,235,000 (page 255)
  • Small Business Administration initiatives: $116,541,000 (page 260-261)

The excerpt also includes various administrative provisions and general provisions that place limitations or conditions on the use of the appropriated funds.

Pages: 300-400

The Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2024 provides funding for various agencies and programs within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The act allocates funds for U.S. Customs and Border Protection, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the Transportation Security Administration, the Coast Guard, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency, among others. The appropriations support a wide range of activities, including border security, immigration enforcement, cybersecurity, disaster response, and research and development.

Bullet point list of items and their allocated amounts:

  • U.S. Customs and Border Protection (pages 347-349):

  • Operations and Support: $18,426,870,000

  • Procurement, Construction, and Improvements: $850,170,000

  • U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (pages 349-350):

  • Operations and Support: $9,501,542,000

  • Procurement, Construction, and Improvements: $55,520,000

  • Transportation Security Administration (pages 351-352):

  • Operations and Support: $10,164,968,000

  • Procurement, Construction, and Improvements: $40,678,000

  • Research and Development: $14,641,000

  • Coast Guard (pages 352-354):

  • Operations and Support: $10,054,771,000

  • Procurement, Construction, and Improvements: $1,413,950,000

  • Research and Development: $7,476,000

  • Retired Pay: $1,147,244,000

  • United States Secret Service (pages 354-356):

  • Operations and Support: $3,007,982,000

  • Procurement, Construction, and Improvements: $75,598,000

  • Research and Development: $4,217,000

  • Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (page 370):

  • Operations and Support: $2,382,814,000

  • Procurement, Construction, and Improvements: $489,401,000

  • Research and Development: $793,000

  • Federal Emergency Management Agency (pages 371-375):

  • Operations and Support: $1,483,990,000

  • Procurement, Construction, and Improvements: $99,528,000

  • Federal Assistance: $3,497,019,369

  • Disaster Relief Fund: $20,261,000,000

  • National Flood Insurance Fund: $239,983,000

  • U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (page 384):

  • Operations and Support: $271,140,000

  • Federal Assistance: $10,000,000

  • Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers (pages 384-385):

  • Operations and Support: $357,100,000

  • Procurement, Construction, and Improvements: $20,100,000

  • Science and Technology Directorate (pages 385-386):

  • Operations and Support: $369,811,000

  • Procurement, Construction, and Improvements: $61,000,000

  • Research and Development: $310,823,000

  • Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Office (pages 386-387):

  • Operations and Support: $163,280,000

  • Procurement, Construction, and Improvements: $42,338,000

  • Research and Development: $60,938,000

  • Federal Assistance: $142,885,000

Pages: 400-500

Here is a 1-2 paragraph summary of the Department of Health and Human Services Appropriations Act, 2024, followed by a bullet point list of each major item along with the amount allocated for it and the pages on which the item is described:

The Department of Health and Human Services Appropriations Act, 2024 provides funding for various agencies and programs within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The act allocates funds for the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Institutes of Health (NIH), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Administration for Community Living (ACL), and the Office of the Secretary. The appropriations support a wide range of health-related activities, including primary health care, health workforce development, disease prevention and control, biomedical research, mental health and substance abuse treatment, healthcare quality improvement, Medicare and Medicaid, social services, and community support programs.

Bullet point list of items and their allocated amounts:

  • Health Resources and Services Administration (pages 479-488):

  • Primary Health Care: $1,858,772,000

  • Health Workforce: $1,404,376,000

  • Maternal and Child Health: $1,170,430,000

  • Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program: $2,571,041,000

  • Health Systems: $122,009,000

  • Rural Health: $364,607,000

  • Family Planning: $286,479,000

  • HRSA-Wide Activities and Program Support: $1,110,376,000

  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (pages 488-495):

  • Immunization and Respiratory Diseases: $237,358,000

  • HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, and Tuberculosis Prevention: $1,391,056,000

  • Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases: $708,272,000

  • Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion: $1,192,647,000

  • Birth Defects, Developmental Disabilities, Disabilities and Health: $206,060,000

  • Public Health Scientific Services: $711,553,000

  • Environmental Health: $191,850,000

  • Injury Prevention and Control: $761,379,000

  • National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health: $362,800,000

  • Global Health: $692,843,000

  • Public Health Preparedness and Response: $938,200,000

  • Buildings and Facilities: $40,000,000

  • CDC-Wide Activities and Program Support: $503,570,000

  • National Institutes of Health (pages 495-500):

  • National Cancer Institute: $7,224,159,000

  • National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute: $3,982,345,000

  • National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research: $520,163,000

  • National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases: $2,310,721,000

  • National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke: $2,603,925,000

  • National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases: $6,562,279,000

  • National Institute of General Medical Sciences: $3,244,679,000

  • Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development: $1,759,078,000

  • National Eye Institute: $896,549,000

  • National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences: $913,979,000

  • National Institute on Aging: $4,507,623,000

  • National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases: $685,465,000

  • National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders: $534,333,000

  • National Institute of Nursing Research: $197,693,000

  • National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism: $595,318,000

  • National Institute on Drug Abuse: $1,662,695,000

  • National Institute of Mental Health: $2,187,843,000

  • National Human Genome Research Institute: $663,200,000

  • National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering: $440,627,000

  • National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health: $170,384,000

  • National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities: $534,395,000

  • John E. Fogarty International Center: $95,162,000

  • National Library of Medicine: $497,548,000

  • National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences: $928,323,000

  • Office of the Director: $2,592,914,000

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